Alan Borenstein

They were also determined to make sure we had a fun experience at night while working with the school during the day. From a Punjabi dance party, a visit to a farm outside the city, tractor riding lessons, to little experiences like taking the time to get to know each volunteer.

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Lepers Home Patiala

Leprosy has affected humanity for over 4,000 years. Leprosy currently affects approximately a quarter of a million people throughout the world, with 70% of these cases occurring in India. Cases of leprosy in India have decreased dramatically from 5,000,000 cases in 1985 to 213,000 cases in 2009. Leprosy is one of the least infectious diseases mainly because nearly all of the population have natural immunity against it. Nevertheless, stigma against the disease due to its disfiguring effects causes its victims to be isolated and shunned. Leprosy is also the leading cause of permanent disability in the world and is primarily a disease of the poor.

Have an insight of a leprosy affected person and his family. A simple visit will be enough to gauge the state of lepers. Help the families and children of leprosy affected patients by spending time in the day to day functioning of the leper’s home, teaching their kids, helping them build their home and life.
Lepers are not untouchable; given an opportunity they are keen to earn their livelihood with dignity and self esteem. Have an insight into a new experience.